Positive Thinking Reduce Stress | Help To Recognise Negative Thinking | Techniques Of Practising Positive Thinking
Focusing on the positive aspects of any circumstance is known as Positive thinking or having an upbeat attitude. It might significantly affect both your physical and emotional well-being. That doesn't imply that you downplay difficulties or ignore reality. Simply put, it implies that you approach both the good and the bad in life with the hope that all will turn out well. Is your glass half full or half empty? Your response to this age-old inquiry on positive thinking could reveal your perspective on life, how you feel about yourself, whether you're optimistic or pessimistic, and even how your health is affected. According to certain studies, personality qualities like optimism and pessimism can have an impact on a variety of aspects of your health and well-being. Effective stress management relies heavily on the optimistic mindset that it typically entails.
Additionally, effective stress management has several positive effects on health. You can develop positive thinking abilities even if you have a tendency to be gloomy. Positive thinking does not imply ignoring less-than-ideal circumstances in life. Simply said, positive thinking entails taking an upbeat and constructive approach to bad situations. You anticipate the greatest, not the worst, happening. Self-talk is frequently the first step in positive thinking. Self-talk is the never-ending stream of inner dialogue that occurs. Positive or negative thoughts may come to mind automatically. Your self-talk contains some elements of logic and reason. Other self-talk could result from assumptions you make as a result of incomplete knowledge or anticipations brought on by preconceived notions of what might occur. Your attitude on life is more likely to be negative if the majority of your thoughts are negative. You probably practise positive thinking if the majority of your thoughts are upbeat.
Positive Thinking & Explanatory Style:
Some Researchers frame positive thinking using an explanatory approach. You explain why things happened in your explanatory approach.
Optimistic Explanatory Style: Persons with an optimistic explaining style often attribute credit to themselves for positive outcomes and place blame for negative ones on external factors. Additionally, they frequently regard bad things as anomalous and transient.
Pessimistic Explanatory Style: People with this explanation style frequently place the responsibility for negative events on themselves but fail to give themselves enough credit for positive outcomes. They also have the propensity to see bad things as inevitable and long-lasting. As you might guess, placing blame for uncontrollable events on oneself or seeing these unpleasant occurrences as an ongoing aspect of your life can hurt your mental health.
Positive Thinking & Positive Psychology:
Health Benefits Of Positive Thinking:
- Longer life expectancy.
- Lower depression rates.
- Lessening of pain and distress.
- Greater ability to fight off diseases.
- Improved physical and psychological wellness.
- Lower risk of death from heart disease and stroke and improved cardiovascular health.
- Decreased danger of dying from cancer.
- Decreased danger of respiratory diseases being fatal.
- Reduced danger of infection-related mortality.
- Improved coping mechanisms for difficult situations and stressful periods.

How to Recognize Negative Thinking?
- Filtering: You emphasize a situation's drawbacks while eliminating all of its advantages. For instance, your day at work was fantastic. You were praised for working quickly and thoroughly and finishing your responsibilities ahead of schedule. That evening, you forget about the compliments you received and concentrate entirely on your plan to do further jobs.
- Personalizing: When anything awful happens, you immediately place the responsibility on yourself. For instance, when you learn that a night out with friends has been canceled, you make the assumption that everyone didn't want to be near you.
- Catastrophizing: Even in the absence of evidence, you instantly assume the worst will happen. Your order is misplaced at the drive-through coffee shop, and you immediately fear for the rest of your day.
- Blaming: You attempt to shift blame away from yourself and place it on another person. You try to escape taking accountability for your feelings and thoughts. Implying that you "should" take action. You list all the things you feel you ought to do and then get angry with yourself for not doing them.
- Magnifying: Your attention is drawn to small issues.
- Perfectionism: Setting yourself up for failure by maintaining unattainable standards and striving for greater perfection.
- Polarizing: All that you see is either nice or negative. There is no room for compromise.
How to Develop a Positive Attitude?| 3 Techniques Of Practising Positive Thinking:
- Be aware of your thoughts: Start observing the kinds of ideas you have every day. Make an attempt to shift your thinking to a more optimistic frame if you find that many of them are negative.
- Keep a gratitude journal: Expressing thankfulness often will help you learn to improve your outlook and has several positive effects. People who practise gratitude report feeling more upbeat.
- Use positive self-talk: Use encouraging language when talking to oneself because it can have a big impact on your mindset. According to studies, switching to more positive self-talk might improve your emotions and the way you handle stress.