When Life Feels Out of Control Focus On Yourself.

Life can catch us off guard in a variety of ways, sometimes in the most beautiful ways and other times by confronting us with challenges we never expected. Most individuals desire a sense of power. We like things that are dependable. We enjoy having the ability to make and carry out plans. We appreciate it when others fulfill our wishes. When things go our way, we favor it. We like to believe that we can protect our loved ones from adverse circumstances. When we feel in charge, we feel protected.
There are two issues with attempting to manage everything. It's an illusion, first and foremost. We have no power over other people or circumstances. We deceive ourselves into believing we have much more control than we actually do. Second, having complete control over everything comes with a lot of responsibility. We effectively claim that we know what is right, that we know what is the right thing to do and what is the right thing to believe when we strive to control other people and circumstances.
We all come to the realization that much of life is genuinely beyond our control sooner or later. Each of us has a relatively small area of influence, primarily our thoughts and deeds. In other words, there are many things that are beyond our power. We all know this to be true, yet it also makes us nervous. It's difficult to accept how much is beyond our control.
All of us have had periods when we felt absolutely powerless over our lives. There was nothing we could do to stop the bad things from happening; they just kept happening. Being helpless is a challenging emotion to deal with. I recently felt this way. I felt as though my issues were unsolvable and that life was whirling all around me. I saw that I was fixated on what other people were doing incorrectly and how things would improve if they changed and did things my way. It seemed as though a cyclone had come into my life, flinging my tranquility and stability around like a thin metal roof and sweeping up the regularity and quiet that I cherish. Suddenly I recalled: You need to anchor yourself when life feels like a hurricane.
You may stay grounded and composed despite the turbulence and issues that are still swirling around you. You can hold yourself steady like an anchor. Regaining awareness of who you are and what you can control will assist with this. Recognizing an emotional storm at an early stage might help you weather it successfully. The symptoms of stress are simple to ignore or downplay. We can only gauge our level of coping correctly when we are tuned into ourselves. Although observing our emotions is beneficial, our bodies also serve as excellent indicators of our emotional health.
Signs of Stress.
Signs of stress are the following.
- Worrying.
- Crying.
- Attempting to manage others or situations.
- Insomnia.
- Becoming agitated.
- Quick heartbeat.
- Isolating.
- Headaches.
- Tension in the muscles.
- Repeatedly thinking about the same issue.
- Avoiding issues or individuals.
- Being overpowered.
- A lack of drive or enthusiasm.
- Difficulties focusing.
- Eating too little or too much.
- Little motivation or energy.
- Having lost all hope.
- Digestive disorders (stomachache, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux).
- Irritability.
- Anger.
What To Do When Life Feels Out of Control.
It is important to have a few techniques that employ whenever you experience stress, overload, or anxiety. Here are a few suggestions to get you going.
- Take a Moment to Breathe: It's crucial to occasionally take a break. It is OK to spend some alone time to meditate, reduce tension, and engage in self-care. According to a recent study, medical students who practiced self-care had better stress management and overall quality of life than those who did not.
- Strive to alter Your Viewpoint: See your life as "in control" rather than "out of control" for the time being. This may assist. This doesn't imply consent to unfair treatment. Instead, it simply entails letting go of the urge for control, doing so can result in a higher level of life pleasure.
- Be in Charge of the things You can Alter: People still have some control over certain parts of their lives, even though they may not have total control. Focus on altering the aspects of your life that you can change, such as increasing your gym attendance, cutting back on sweets, or getting rid of toxic people from your life. Even the smallest things may contribute to building a sense of optimism and control in your life.
- Be Certain of the choices You Make in Life: When you worry and second-guess your decisions all the time, life might occasionally feel out of your control. You tend to want to be certain of the things you can control.
- Discuss it. Discussing potential causes of your stress and overload is helpful. It's beneficial to have someone you can talk to about your fears and concerns, whether it's a loved one or someone who can offer professional advice like a therapist. They may assist you in dissecting these emotions and classifying them appropriately.
- Choose a Hobby: The best method to divert your attention from issues you can't alter is to engage in hobbies. Hobbies may provide you a sense of escape from the difficulties of life, whether it be through regular walks or writing a few phrases in a diary. Hobbies serve as a subtle reminder that you are in control of your life since you get to decide how to spend your leisure time.
- Strive For Success: Consider thinking optimistically. If you have faith that things will improve, life won't feel this way forever. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and strive to be grateful for what you do have.
Final Verdict:
Nowadays, there is a lot of pressure to appear to have it all together. It might be difficult to confess when you're not OK. Give self-care and self-compassion a priority. Take action to regain your sense of serenity.